We pray for all health workers dealing with this illness; for those suffering illness and their families; and those anxious and concerned about the future.
At 11.00 am and 7.00pm, the bell will ring to remind us all to pray.
We pray for all health workers dealing with this illness; for those suffering illness and their families; and those anxious and concerned about the future.
At 11.00 am and 7.00pm, the bell will ring to remind us all to pray.
Join us to explore what it means ‘Being by myself’ for young kids, pre-school and early primary school. Messy Church is fun, interactive and creative. Simple meal will be provided at the end of the service.
Alpha launch at St John’s - Alpha on Tucker & Centre
Wednesday, 19 February, at 7pm, meal provided.
It’s an opportunity for people to explore life’s big questions and to consider Christian beliefs. Each session involves a meal together, a video presentation and discussion around the table.
Free English and Math tutoring at St John’s Activities Centre.
Every Thursday during school term, from 3.30-5pm. No charge, parents welcome to stay.
All activities are free of charge and open to public (please see poster for further details)
Vicar David Powys will lead a short summer bible school on Wednesdays 8, 15, 22 & 29 January from 7.30 - 9.30pm.
Another great day and a fantastic Result!!
A very busy Voting day- steady queues all day
and great weather – a beautiful sunny autumn day
and great sausage sizzle weather!
We sold 400 sausages and a lot of cakes too at our St John’s this morning when our hall was turned into a polling booth for the State elections. Well done to everyone, and thank you. A busy and fun time was had by all - cooking sausages, selling cakes, going through books and second-hand clothes.
The flowers for this morning’s worship were in memory of Isobel Newell, one of our long term and much loved parishioners who died this time last year. They made a beautiful backdrop for our quiet 8 am worship and reminded us at the 9.30 am service led by children that we share the life of Christ here on earth with the old and young, and with the saints in heaven. May Isobel rest in peace and rise in glory.
The theme of our Sunday worship last week 14 October was Jesus Feeds where we heard the story of the loaves and the fishes and talked about what might be in God’s lunchbox - love, creation, encouragement and life. Our prayers were in the shape of fishes, pinned to a net, as we prayed for God’s love and grace to reach those in need and those we are praying for.
Who is Jesus for you? This is the question that Jesus asks his followers and asks us. The challenge for us is to follow the passionate way of love. How do we give ourselves away in the service of others? Come along and explore what following Jesus means for you.
God's mercy includes all. A Syrophoenician woman's courage reminds Jesus that the crumbs under the table are abundant enough for all. What are the boundaries or barriers that we put in place? How are we challenged to go beyond them.
On Sunday 2nd September we celebrate the courage and love of the New Guinea Martyrs - twelve ordinary people who showed great love. Two were PNG nationals, most were Australian and a couple were English. These 12 Anglicans were among 333 others who were martyred during WWII. They show us that no matter how young or old, or ordinary we may be, we too can play a part in showing courageous love and revealing God's loving presence.
What does it mean to choose what is life-giving rather than life-denying? Come and reflect upon what it means to follow the living one of God.
What food do you choose? Do you choose take away or five fruit and veg? What does it mean in our daily lives to choose spiritual food that nourishes us? Hear about what sustains us, how we can choose to live as wise Christians.
A family friendly service for families of every shape and size.
Sunday 12 August, 9:30am
St John's Anglican Church,
624 Centre Rd, Bentleigh, VIC, 3163
Cnr Centre and Tucker Rds Bentleigh
St John's Bentleigh A church in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
(03) 9557 2226
624 Centre Road,
Bentleigh VIC, 3204