Community Activity Centre at St. John’s, Bentleigh
These are community events which are open to all.
Events are free unless a cost is specifically indicated.
Why not come along and see!
Mondays 10am-12pm Craft, Cuppa and Chat
(bring your own project)Wednesdays 11am Bible Study and Chat
Thursdays 3.45pm to 5pm Tutoring (secondary maths and
English, and primary levels)
Craft and cuppa
Bring your favourite craft or current project.
Market day.
Come along for a bargain or sausage!
Last Tuesday 7.30 pm Garden Club - open to all
Fourth Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm Kids and Craft Market
(Gold coin for raffle ticket on entry)
Creative crafts and everything you need for
kids: new and old. Drop into the lounge for
tea and a chat or grab a sausage from
the sausage sizzle.