Online Giving

To make regular offerings online through your financial instutition, please use the banking details below:

St John’s Anglican Church Bentleigh
BSB 083 337
Acc. No. 51 5 354 967


Consider leaving a gift in your will to aid St John’s and support our on going presence and work in the community. To make a bequest, you should consult your solicitor. You are also welcome to discuss potential bequests with the treasurer.

A bequest form can be downloaded using the button below.

Other donations

Donations for a variety of purposes can also be made via online or direct giving. For online giving, please use the banking details above.

Donations may be general (for use by the church as required) or directed to a specific activity or purpose, such as flowers, music, children’s ministry, or the memorial garden.

For online giving, use the message to specify the purpose and reference to identify who the donation is from. In addition, an email to can also be made to alert the office and treasurer to the donation and its purpose.

Leaving a legacy: Tom and Marj Pickford made a generous bequest to St. John’s in recognition of the huge part St. John’s played in both their lives.


Building Fund Donations

St John’s recently underwent extensive renovations of the church, entrance, kitchen, and hall to provide more flexible spaces for church and community needs. These works were possible due to generous donations by church and community members. However a loan was also necessary. Donations to the building fund can help us pay off the loan more quickly and release parish resources for other ministries.