Sunday 18 December 2022, 7:00pm
Join us for a new Christmas musical with carols, dance and readings.
This is a free event, suitable for all ages: everyone is welcome!
Supper to follow!
A great first Spring Celebration Concert!
Recognising Ken Newell - a life time of organ and music
Farewell and thankyou to Cindy Utari
A Spring Celebration - First Concert of 2022
Prayers for Peace
Everyone is welcome at St Johns to pray for peace in Ukraine, Russia and the world on Sunday afternoon 15 May at 2pm. The service will contain time for prayer, a hymn, and some music both live and streamed. There will be an opportunity for all to light a candle for peace. It will go for about 45 minutes and led by the Rev’d Gail Bryce, our locum priest.
David Powys finished his two-year ministry as Vicar at St John’s on Boxing Day and there are pictures of his Celebration of Forty Years of Ministry on 28 November 2021, as well as his final serivce in the parish held on Boxing Day 2021 on our News and Community page.
The Revd Gail Bryce, our locum priest
Before a new vicar starts, the parish will be in the care our locum Vicar the Rev’d Gail Bryce. She was last here for an extended period early in 2019. Revd Gail has provided a few paragraphs introducing herself .
I am very much looking forward to being with you at St. John’s as your Locum Priest. Bishop Genieve Blackwell has invited me to be in the parish two weekdays and on Sundays each week. My husband, Ian, and I were born in Brisbane and married there. We moved to country Victoria in 1975 for Ian’s work where he was an executive on the management team in the fruit canning industry.
I was ordained to the Diaconate in Wangaratta Diocese and to the Priesthood in Bendigo Diocese in 2002. I have served in country Victoria in the parishes of Nurmurkah, Shepparton, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Bendigo, Parish of Pyramid Hill, Boort, Bear’s Lagoon and Calivil, returned to Shepparton parish, then Tatura, following which we moved to Melbourne.
We have three adult children, a daughter and two sons and three grandchildren. Our eldest son, David and his wife, Ruth and their two children have served as missionaries in Cambodia for 15 years.
I love serving God and his people, have a heart for grief ministry, for Bible study and prayer groups, for teaching the Christian faith, for Biblical preaching, pastoral care and a passion to grow God’s Church.
Following the Archbishop granting me a Permission to Officiate license for the Diocese of Melbourne in 2014, I have been so privileged to serve as Locum Priest at St Andrew’s Aberfeldie, St Paul’s Kew East, a further period of 18 months at St Andrew’s Aberfeldie, St George’s Ivanhoe East, St Alban’s Coburg West, All Saints Ascot Vale, St Aidans Strathmore, St. John’s Bentleigh (February - July 2019), St. Paul’s, Kew East (further 18 months) and now at St. John’s Bentleigh.
Ian and I look forward to re-acquainting ourselves with parishioners at St John’s and getting to know those who are new to us, and walking with you during this chapter in the life of St John’s, during which I trust we will all grow in faith and trust in our Lord.
Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me at any time for any reason.
Yours in Christ’s Service,
The Rev’d. Gail Bryce.
Gail can be contacted via the parish office in the first instance on 9557 2226
Lent starts on Wednesday 2 March 2022 (Ash Wednesday)
There will be three opportunities to join a study group for the six weeks between Ash Wednesday and Easter Day - two will meet in person and one will meet online via Zoom.
Monday evenings with Gwen and John Wilson - (This group is now fully subscribed)
Tuesday afternoons in the Narthex at St John’s with Eleanor Newcombe
Thursday evenings online via Zoom with the Revd Alex Scutt, priest and parish musician. (Participants will be sent the link details before the first session.) This will be an excellent choice for those who feel they need to isolate and not meet in person.
The Monday and the Tuesday group will be studying the resource prepared by Bishop Bill Ray, formerly a parish priest in Melbourne and then Bishop of North Queesland “Conversations with our Awesome God”
Thursday nights will examine the resource from the Anglican Board of Mission called Repairing the Breach.
Please contact the parish office on 9557 2226 and leave your name with our parish administrator Cindy Utari indicating which group you would like to join. This will allow the office to order sufficient resources.
The cost for the resource books for both “Conversations with our Awesome God” and “Repairing the Breach” is $12 per copy.
Sunday Afternoon Concert - Victoria Welsh Choir
Sunday 21 November 2021 - 2.30pm
*COVID-19 restrictions apply.
Australia’s world class Welsh choir performs from its repertoire of hymns, ballads, show tunes and Celtic favourites at St John’s.
Victoria Welsh Choir is well known for its professionalism, humour and entertaining engagement with audiences young & old alike. Extensively travelled and led by outstanding musicians Faleiry Koczkar, Lorna Ogilvie and Rushan Hewawasam, this choir will provide uplifting entertainment.
Location: St John’s Bentleigh (cnr Tucker & Centre Rds)
Tickets $10 ($7 conc, u18 free) at door
Baroque and Beyond on Organ and Piano
Sunday, 7 November 2021 - 2.30pm
Popular works for organ and piano by Bach, Franck, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Chopin and others.
Lachlan Redd is currently Sub-Organist at St Paul’s Cathedral in Melbourne, He as appeared as a recitalist and as a concerto artist with many of Australia’s major orchestras, including in Melbourne, Adelaide, Tasmania and Queensland.
This is the second in our recital series for 2021 kindly supported by the City of Glen Eira. Tickets available at the door for $10 ($7 concession).
Position Vacant: Children and Families’ Minister (1.5 days/wk)
Magnificent Miniatures in a Smaller Space: A recital by Calvin Bowman
Hymn Revival Sunday 21 March
This is a chance for the local community and members of St Johns to get together and sing. The aim is 4 hymns in 4 part harmony at each “sing-in”. The next Hymns Revival will be held at St John’s on:
Sunday 21 March, 2:30 pm.
Talent Catalogue Out Now
The St John’s Talent Catalogue is now out. Copies of the Catalogue are available in the Narthex. Hurry to get your orders in for 28 March! To place an order just contact the person making the offer. This is part of the St John’s Building Appeal and a fun way to appreciate the many talents of our St John’s community.