Regular Sunday Services
Holy Communion service every Sunday at 10:00am
Weekday Services
Wednesdays at 10:30am Holy Communion followed by Bible studies
Special Services
Dates for other special services will be advertised here.
The front facade facing Tucker road
St. John’s stained glass windows
Services at St John’s
Services marked with an asterisk (*) are live streamed on our YouTube channel. See Live Stream. Recordings of previous services are also available. See Videos.
Services marked with a hash (#) will have a separate children’s program for part of the 10.00am service. These are usually provided during the school terms.
St John's Bentleigh is an Anglican church. Anglican churches in Australia offer a variety of worship styles. Here at St John's, our regular Sunday services follow the format of A Prayer Book for Australia (1995) and include songs, prayers, readings from the bible, a talk on the readings, and sharing of Holy Communion (also called the Eucharist). We mark the seasons of the Church's year such as Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, and the church decoration and the colour of the priest's vestments reflect these seasons. Our services include ritual, such as lighting of candles and other actions to help us in our worship. St John’s provides a mix of services with Holy Communion services held at least once each Sunday, and either a traditional Morning Prayer service or a less formal Praise, Prayer and Proclamation Service. The times and type of each service for the next two months are listed above under Regular Sunday Services.
Children are welcome at all our services. Sunday Services at 10:00 am make special provision for children. In particular services marked with a hash (#) will include a separate children’s program for part of the service.
At some services, cool drinks and snacks are available after the 10.00am service. The serving of hot tea and coffee will resume once our kitchen renovations are complete.
Requests and Special Services
To enquire about baptisms, confirmations, first communions, weddings or funerals, please contact the Parish Office (03) 9557 2226.
Services to mark special days, such as Christmas and Easter, will be notified on the Home page or News and Community page.