The 8.30am Morning Prayer Service at St John’s on the festival of St Peter and St Paul 2020
The 8.30am Morning Prayer Service at St John’s on the festival of St Peter and St Paul 2020
Reading: Luke 24:13-35
In this reading, Jesus walks with the disciples. While travelling with them, he makes himself known to his companions. He met with people where they were. He didn’t expect them to come to him. This reflection on Jesus travels asks how we can travel along side others in our own community.
Josie Shaw 11/08/2018
Readings: Job 23.1-9,16-17;Mark 10.17-31
In biblical times, the rich were often seen as particularly blessed. If we are honest, our society still many who would think that today: wealth still brings status, power, and security. Jesus challenges our instincts for self preservation. In this sermon, Job, Jesus and the rich young man Alex Scutt explores this challenge. (14/10/2018)
(See also this link.)
Proverbs 31 is sometimes presented as a prescription for how women should live. But its Jewish origins point to something different: a poem personifying wisdom, a song in praise of women, and a celebration of valor. Wisdom in action: A song to in praise of women explores these aspects. (Alex Scutt 23/09/2018)
Reflection for Jesus’ Feeds family service on John 6:1-14. How does Jesus feed us even now? Here we look at what God packs in our “lunch box”. Reflection for family service 14/10/2018, Stephanie Hogg
St John's Bentleigh A church in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
(03) 9557 2226
624 Centre Road,
Bentleigh VIC, 3204