This is a special time when Christians remember the last week of Jesus' life, his death and his rising to new life at Easter. The week before Easter is called Holy Week. During this week we hold services each day for people to remember and prepare for Easter.
Holy Week and Easter Services
Palm Sunday 10 April
8.30am Holy Communion
10.00am Blessing of the Palms, Procession and Holy Communion
We recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and hear the story of the Passion.
Holy Wednesday 13 April
10.30am Holy Communion
We share Christ’s body and blood and reflect on some events in the last week of his life.
Maundy Thursday 14 April
7.30pm Holy Communion
We remember Jesus washing his disciples' feet and his last supper.
Good Friday 15 April
10.00am Good Friday Liturgy and Veneration of the Cross
We remember Jesus' death on the Cross
Easter Sunday 17 April
8.00am Lighting of the New Fire, tenewal of baptismal vows and Holy Communion
We remember Jesus' rising to new life at the beginning of a new day.
10.00am Holy Communion and renewal of baptismal vows.